Special Edition Series - DUSTY'S DESERT ADVENTURE


- D U S T Y -

Dusty's Desert Adventure...

    It's been awhile since I have done a Special Edition Series post.  So here it is...  "Dusty's Desert Adventure".  As the story goes, one of my closest friends, "Snake", now lives close to, or nearby, or IN the desert...  We still keep in touch, and one day we were texting back and forth and he was telling me about some of the beautiful sites he had seen recently.  This was about the time I got my Classified Dusty figure and I had a light bulb moment!  I said "why don't I send you my Dusty figure and you can take pictures of my Desert Trooper IN the actual desert?"

    He was totally cool for it!  So I boxed up Dusty and sent him over.  Before long, I was receiving some cool pics of Dusty's adventure in the sand.  Very cool stuff!!  After about a week or so of exploring, Dusty made his way back to Illinois with a disc full of his travels.

    So enjoy a glimpse into some of the fantastic views Dusty saw on his journey...

    "Beautiful day for desert hike!"   

    "Hmmm, what is that small bunker down there?"

    "Awesome view..."

    "What the heck made that hole???"

    "Great horny-toads!!  A trespasser!  Gettin' footy-prints all over my desert!!!"

    "Uhh, maybe I should call the Dino Hunters for this one..."

    Not bad huh?  Looks like Dusty had quite an vacation!!  Thanks to Snake for being his guide through the desert!!  He asked if I had any other figures I wanted to send that way... but the Joes really only have one Desert Trooper.  If a Classified Desert Scorpion ever comes out, we may have to do this again!

    Quick word on Snake.  #1. He has been one of my best friends since high school.  #2. He's not a Joe fan.  He did this project as a favor to me.  So he didn't really want credit for the pictures.  #3. He is not affiliated with Cobra or Cobra La.  The name is a nickname that we all called him because back then he kinda looked like the guitar player of Skid Row - Dave "the Snake" Sabo.


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