Classified Center Stage - TECHNO-VIPER



    "Just because the Techno-Vipers carry wrenches and jacks, don't underestimate them!  They work their way up from the ranks of Vipers and each one is a qualified Cobra Infantryman." - from the file card, 1987.

Battlefield Technician - TECHNO-VIPER
File Name - Various
Birthplace - Various
Specialties - Field Maintenance, Combat-Engineer, Infantry.


    Break a tread on your HISS Tank?  Do you need the tires realigned on your Stinger Jeep?  Is your Stun stalling out on you when you floor it?  Well, call a Cobra Techno-Viper - Cobra's very own Battlefield Technicians!

    Cobra's Techno-Vipers are specifically trained to deal with these mechanical mishaps and more!  Even if your problem is in the heat of battle!  Each Techno-Viper is a fully trained Cobra Infantryman, so it is no big deal for them to wade into a firefight and take care of your damaged vehicle quickly, efficiently, and at a steep cost!!  

    They aren't shy at joining other Cobra projects either!!  Need a large piece of machinery relocated?  Techno-Vipers can do it!  Do you have a Battle Android Trooper in need of repair?  Techno-Vipers can do it!  Do you need help with creating a composite clone emperor using the long lost DNA from the world's ancient leaders???  Oh wait, they didn't use Techno-Vipers for that...  But they could have!!!

    So tell your squad's Tele-Viper to get on the horn and call a Techno-Viper.  The Techno-Vipers are standing by!

    Even Cobra's elite can't stop talking about the Techno-Viper...

    "I had serious problems with some SNAKE Battle Armor once," says Destro, a proud customer.  "I couldn't get Crystal Ball stuffed in it because he was wiggling too much!  I called Techno-Viper 1018 over and with his help, we successfully got Crystal Ball in the armor and sent out as cannon fodder.  Now I couldn't be happier!"


    Cobra's 1987 line-up was quite eclectic, to be sure!  Someone in the evil organization went and hired a guy that had a failed business using crocodiles as home security, another guy that dressed up as a bird, and another guy that could "sometimes" read minds (his success rate is said to be 3%).  On top of that, Cobra was coming up with some less-than-glamorous names for their troops like Sea Slug and WORMS.  They even named a vehicle the "Maggot" for crying out loud!

    The Techno-Viper, on the other hand, was one of the few "normal" guys in the bunch.  As a Battlefield Technician, he had a job position that Cobra would need to be filled.  Someone needed to fix their stuff up!  Also they would be great for helping build Dr. Mindbender or Destro's latest device.  He had a standard Cobra-style name with the "Viper" suffix attached to it.  You could point out that a purple uniform might not be considered "normal", but this is Cobra and Cobra was never much for the use of subtlety.  

    I always liked the original Techno-Viper and this new one for the Classified line is every bit of awesome as the 1987 version!  I would even go as far to say that it actually improves upon the original!  With the finely detailed helmet, sci-fi laser rifle, the tamed down purple shades on the uniform, and the cool attachable display screen - this is an excellent update of the Techno-Viper!

    On a final note, I have always been a fan of the original Battlestar Galactica show from 1979.  Apparently, the Techno-Viper's helmet was inspired by the head of the Cylon Centurians!  Cool huh?  Well now you know (if you didn't already)!

    (Information on the character's lore was taken from the Sunbow and DIC cartoon series, including the Movie and the figure's original File Card.)


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