One & Done - MOTOR-VIPER


    "It's really dangerous - Cobra Stun!  Really dangerous to G.I. Joe!" - Cobra Stun commercial, 1986.

Cobra Stun Driver - MOTOR-VIPER
File Name - Various
Birthplace - Various
Specialties - High Speed Driving.


    In 1986, Cobra had a new fast-attack vehicle in their arsenal - the Cobra Stun.  In addition to the extreme speed these vehicles blast into battle with, the Stun offers little to no protective cover for it's driver.  Sitting on top of the vehicle, he would be exposed to everything from the weather to enemy fire.  So Cobra needed a division of drivers that were fearless and perhaps a little reckless.  These were the Motor-Vipers!

    The Motor-Vipers are obviously motivated by the clear hazard involved in their job position!  There is seemingly no benefit to becoming a Stun Driver.  They aren't even paid any more than a standard Viper.  So it all comes down to the simple adrenaline rush from the speed and danger that causes a person to sign on to be a Motor-Viper.

The Cobra Stun from the 1986 catalog!


    I'll admit it - I thought the Stun was one bizarre, weirdo vehicle when it came out!  It was just strange with the vulnerable driver seat and split apart gun pods in the front... which only exposed the driver MORE!  Cobra sure doesn't give much thought to the safety of these guys!  If they survive a firefight, they probably have to spend a fair amount of time scraping bugs off their visors!

    Despite the weirdness of the Stun, I always thought the driver was very cool-looking!  The Motor-Viper, with his Cobra-blue uniform and silver face-shield paired perfectly with the look of the new Cobra Vipers of that year!  I thought it was cool that some of the Cobra soldiers were mirroring a similar look to that of their leader - Cobra Commander.  Although this WAS the year Serpentor took over...?

    I do wish he came with an accessory, but it doesn't hurt the figure that he didn't have one.  This guy looks like he is ready to slam down on the accelerator on his Stun and blast full-throttle towards the Joes!  I'm giving the original 1986 Motor-Viper a rating of 4 out of 5 Cans of 10w 40 Oil!!!  Yeah!!!

    What did you think of this figure?

Continued thoughts on the Motor-Viper...

---  The Stun was reissued later with Python Patrol.  Yet the Motor-Viper, nor any figure, was included???  I think a "pythonized" Motor-Viper would have looked great!

---  They aren't even paid a little more than the standard Viper?  Come on Cobra hierarchy, cough up a few extra bucks for these guys!!!  Doesn't sitting in such a precarious position in a Cobra vehicle warrant something?  Who else does that?  Well, I guess that poor sap on the underside of the Sea Ray is in a bit bad spot too! 

    (Information on the character's lore was taken from the Sunbow and DIC cartoon series, including the Movie and the figure's original File Card.)


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