TRANSFORMERS: Revisiting The Characters Of Generation 1 - SEASPRAY

 TRANSFORMERS:  Revisiting the Characters of Generation 1

    "Be unyielding as the ocean waves and your enemies shall fall." - Seaspray, 1985.

Function - Navel Defense
Series Debut - 1985 / Wave 2
Sub-Group - None


    Seaspray was one of the Autobots under Optimus Prime's command on Earth.  Trying to keep the evil Decepticons from draining the planet of it's resources, Seaspray protects the coastlines and waterways.  

    The ocean is his territory!  Seaspray loves the water, the lifeforms that occupy it, and even loves his job of protecting and fighting on it!  Seaspray doesn't function on land as well as his teammates.  He was built for the sea and he wants to spend as much time as he can out there.  In fact, he is saddened when he needs to transform into his robot mode and come ashore.

    Seaspray can convert into a small hovercraft that can travel over water or land.  He can reach speeds of 120 knots and has a range of 4000 miles.  He carries surface-to-air laser cannons that he also uses in robot mode.  

    All the mini-cars were such obvious buys due to their low price point.  I was committed to getting them all - and I did!  I liked how in the 2nd Series they used some unique vehicles - Seaspray could go on water, Beachcomber could handle sand, Cosmos could go in space!

    For a long time, Seaspray was the only Transformer watercraft (do you count Topspin?).  This certainly gave him something few others had!  For me, he patrolled the waterways near Metroplex, watching out for Decepticon intruders.

    Standing in for the original G1 figure, is Seaspray from the Titans Return line!  This figure is flat-out spectacular!  They nailed both the G1 look of his hovercraft and robot mode.  Yet, this figure has excellent articulation and even has a space inside the hovercraft for a Titan Master pilot!  Beautiful!  Home run on this updated figure!

    (Information on the character's lore was taken from the Sunbow Transformers cartoon series, including the Movie and the figure's original Tech-Spec.)


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