TRANSFORMERS: Revisiting the Characters of Generation 1 - SKYWARP

 TRANSFORMERS:  Revisiting the Characters of Generation 1

    "Strike when the enemy isn't looking!" - Skywarp, 1984.

Function - Warrior
Series Debut - 1984 / Wave 1
Sub-Group - None

Special thanks to my childhood friend John (aka Knightmare from One Word Reviews) for the pic of G1 Skywarp in jet mode!!!


    Skywarp was one of the Decepticons aboard the Autobot spacecraft - the Ark, when it crash landed on Earth.  Laying dormant for a long time, the ship's computers were suddenly awakened by a volcanic eruption.  Sending out a small scout satellite to investigate the planet, the Ark scanned Earth vehicles and mistook them for the planet's lifeforms.  It immediately began repairing and adapting the damaged passengers to resemble the "mechanical beings" on the planet.  Skywarp was the first one revived. 

    Of his Decepticon team stuck on Earth, Skywarp was considered the "sneakiest" of all of them.  He had the unique ability to teleport up to 2.5 miles and he often used this ability to either prank his teammates or to ambush enemy Autobots.  His Tech-Spec claims that he isn't very smart, yet it ranks his Intelligence at a 9 out of 10.

    The Ark's computers gave Skywarp an Earth-mode of an F-15 Fighter jet and he served with Starscream's air warriors.  He could reach speeds of 1500 MPH and was armed with heat-seeking missiles and variable-caliber machine guns.

    Skywarp was present during the 2005 Battle of Autobot City and took heavy damage there.  He was cast out of an escaping Astrotrain along with other injured Decepticons to make room for the survivors.  He was found by Unicron and reformatted for Galvatron's new Lieutenants.  There is controversy about whether he was changed into Cyclonus or one of Scourge's Sweeps... depending how you look at it.


    THIS was my favorite Decepticon by far!!!  He was just a winner in every respect.  First off, the colors of black and purple were eye-catching to say the least.  Then you had the "sneaky" aspect of his personality along with his unique ability to teleport.  His jet mode was great, his robot mode was great.  I loved this character!  One of my favorite moments was when Megatron put him in charge of Thundercracker and Starscream and got a good laugh out of that.

    I think I got my original Skywarp for Christmas and I kept him in perfect condition.  I was very careful with him.  Unfortunately, I let him go when I parted with my Transformer collection later on.  I wish at the very least, I would have kept him!

    Another interesting note, my love of Skywarp's color scheme would come into play a few years later when I was in a rock band and convinced the other members to make the "band colors" black and purple.  They went along with it.  Ha!  They never knew the nerdity I snuck into the band.  Skywarp would be proud!

    Finally... in my mind... Skywarp became Cyclonus!  This is such a controversial topic among Transformer fans!  We all know, that despite what you see visually, this scene isn't correct as there are 2 Cyclonus'.  In the end, I think it just makes more sense - Skywarp = Cyclonus / Thundercracker = Scourge / the Insecticons = the Sweeps.  In the end, it is whatever YOU think it is!  No one truly knows and there is no reason to argue the fact either way.

    Standing-in for the original G1 Skywarp, is my PVC figure I got in 2003.  This is such a cool, cartoon-accurate figurine!  Unfortunately, it can't transform.  Also, the original G1 figure in jet mode makes an appearance via Knightmare (from One Word Reviews).  Thanks man!

Seekers from the G1, Series 2 catalog!

    (Information on the character's lore was taken from the Sunbow Transformers cartoon series, including the Movie and the figure's original Tech-Spec.)


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