TRANSFORMERS: Revisiting the Characters of Generation 1 - MISFIRE

 TRANSFORMERS:  Revisiting the Characters of Generation 1

"Keep shooting, eventually, you're bound to hit something." - Misfire, 1987.

Function - Interceptor
Series Debut - 1987 / Wave 4
Sub-Group - Targetmaster


    Misfire was among a group of Decepticons who ventured to the planet Nebulos while pursuing a team of Autobots.  While there, both Autobots and Decepticons allied themselves with native Nebulans.  During their stay on the planet, the concept of "Targetmasters" was created.  This was where a Nebulan could transform into the weapon of an Autobot or Decepticon Warrior.  Misfire became a member of the Decepticon Targetmasters and is paired with the Nebulan - Aimless.  

    Aimless transforms into Misfire's ion particle blaster.  It would seem Aimless has just as bad of luck as Misfire.  He used to be a construction engineer, but after witnessing far too many of his creations collapse, he no longer holds that job.  Now he simply does not care enough about anything to even bother to aim.  These two guys are quite a pair!!

    "TargetMASTER" was not an appropriate name for a group including this guy!!!  When firing his weapons, Misfire can't hit the broad side of a barn!  He tells others his aim is improving, but it never does!  Misfire's alt-mode is a Cybertronian jet with the ability to reach a maximum speed of 1600 mph.


    Back in the day, the Targetmaster idea was a little odd to me.  I didn't see how having another person AS your gun, would help your aim??  Especially in light of the fact that some Decepticon Targetmasters don't even waste time aiming - like Misfire or Triggerhappy.  Plus, if the gun is doing all your aiming, then YOU don't need to spend any time at the Rifle Range because the gun will take care of everything, right?

    Anyways, that said, I thought Misfire was a cool, unique futuristic jet.  I liked the way the 1987 figures took the idea of the original seekers and cranked it up a notch with their "starship" styles.  His personality of not being able to hit anything could have been a fun trait had he ever got a bigger part in the cartoons, though it still defeated the "Targetmaster" purpose.  

    Back in 1987, I didn't have any of the Targetmasters - Autobot OR Decepticon.  My collecting was slowing down and any Transformers I bought were ones more like the first 3 series'.  My friend, John (aka Knightmare) had Misfire though.  So I do have some memories of the original figure.

    Standing in for the original Targetmaster figure, is the Misfire from the Titans Return line from 2017.  Though he was a Headmaster now (or "Titan Master"), with Aimless transforming into his head instead of his gun.  Still, I think they did a great job recreating the figure with a more streamlined look and better articulation!!

Targetmasters in the original G1 Series 4 catalog.

    (Information on the character's lore was taken from the Sunbow Transformers cartoon series, including the Movie and the figure's original Tech-Spec.)


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