TRANSFORMERS: Revisiting the Characters of Generation 1 - DRAG STRIP

 TRANSFORMERS:  Revisiting the Characters of Generation 1

"The first one to cross the finish line lives!" - Drag Strip, 1986.

Function - Warrior
Series Debut - 1986 / Wave 3
Sub-Group - Stunticon


    Drag Strip is a jerk!  I mean, seriously, that's how his Tech-Spec describes him.  He has a "nasty and underhanded" personality and is a pompous, braggart who loves to gloat over his past victories!  His ego is so big that he would "rather be scrapped than lose!"  Drag Strip is so annoying that even Megatron dislikes him.  Yet the Decepticon Leader continues to tolerate him because he figures Drag Strip is more of a problem to the Autobots than himself.

    As a member of the Stunticon sub-group, Drag Strip's alt-mode is that of a yellow Formula 1, six-wheeled race car.  He is extremely fast in this mode and is armed with a plasma-energy blaster.  As a robot, he wields a "gravito-gun" - a pistol that has the ability to enhance gravity.  All 5 Stunticons can merge together and become the giant robot - Menasor!


    I thought the Stunticons were awesome from their first appearance in the Transformers cartoon episode "The Key To Vector Sigma"!  The Decepticons had superiority over the skies, but had very little ground forces.  So Megatron created the Stunticons to challenge the Autobots for control of the roads!  The whole group was portrayed as crazed maniacs that would drive over or through anything.  They all had protective shields in car mode, so they could smash into trees, walls, or even other cars with little fear of sustaining damage.  Another advantage to having the Stunticons on Megatron's side, is they were often mistaken for Autobots.  So their rampages could often be blamed on the wrong team.

    Back in the G1 days, I was quick to buy all 5 Stunticons.  What I liked about Drag Strip was that he was one of the team members that actually had that dangerous, reckless side.  Once you really look at the Tech-Specs, not everyone on the team had this personality trait.  With Drag Strip's belligerent, "never lose" attitude, I could see him being a destructive Warrior for the Decepticon cause!  You can easily see why Megatron would keep him around to be a thorn in the Autobot's side!

    It would appear Drag Strip hasn't a lot of love for Megatron either!  One of my favorite Stunticon moments in the cartoon is when Soundwave contacts the Stunticons and tells them Megatron requests their presence.  Drag Strip says "Tell Megatron it blow it out his exhaust!  We're having a demolition derby!"

    The Drag Strip in these pictures is from the 2022 Legacy Series!  The color and style are very G1 accurate.  I really like this version as it is a great homage to the original!  They really nailed the head sculpt and the articulation is great!

    What did you think of Drag Strip?  Was he your favorite Stunticon?  How did you work him into your battles against the Autobots?

From the G1 Series 3 catalog!


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