SCC Figure Spotlight - BACKBLAST (Version 1 & 2)
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Thanks to Wayne Bartley for this pic of Backblast. You can see more of his great photography on Instagram at Relinquished1979!!! |
Cobra introduced their new bomber jet, the Condor, in 1989. The G.I. Joe Team was ready though, and brought in a specialist that could knock it down - Backblast. This new recruit would be tasked with taking down enemy aircraft with a portable, handheld rocket launcher.
Backblast's filecard explains that he grew up right next to a crazy-busy airport in New York. As such, his childhood memories include annoying, loud jet engines passing overhead, vibrations shaking stuff off his dresser, and landing lights shining in his windows at night. When he was old enough to enlist for the Army, he decided to take his misfortune and turn it into something he could use. So now his job is knocking enemy jet fighters out of the sky!
Backblast didn't go for the bright colored uniforms that some of his Joe brothers preferred. Rather, he utilized more standard military colors. His helmet, shoulder pads, and pants were olive drab and his shirt and boots were black. His shirt proudly sported "GO ARMY" in yellow lettering. Other cool details on this figure was the maps stored on his left leg, and the band around his bicep for storing his knife.
For gear, Backblast included his main weapon - a large 2-piece, triple-barrel missile launcher in olive drab. He also included the aforementioned knife (in gray), a black monocular, 3 red missiles, and a yellow machine gun belt.
I was exiting my Joe collecting this year and did not pick up Backblast. I did get him pretty early on when I returned to collecting and I really liked the figure. He looks great and comes with some impressive accessories! Plus, he fills an interesting role on the G.I. Joe Team!
I think I initially skipped on him though as hauling that giant missile launcher system around did not seem practical. It would have been cool if it could have been broken down and transported on his back or something. Another flaw was it was difficult to get his hands to properly hold the handles on the launcher system. Also, why does he have machine gun ammunition? I guess we just need to believe it is very considerate of him to carry it for someone else!
So considering all the good and the bad, I'm going to give Backblast a rating of 4 out of 5 Cobra Condors (for him to shoot down)! Yeah, it's going to be tough carrying that big missile launcher around! He might have to toss it in the back of the Desert Fox or something, but this is a great figure! Way to go Backblast!
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Backblast Version 2 was among the 1993 assortment of Joes. This makes perfect sense as this was the Age Of Spring-Loaded Missile Launchers! So Backblast traded in his massive triple-barreled launcher for a smaller one that fired only one rocket at a time.
The figure for Backblast (v2) was mainly a simple repaint of the original. This figure had different arms, so this cost us the cool knife sheath on his arm. The figure maintained the normal military colors for his uniform unlike some other 1993 Joes (Hi Leatherneck v3).
Still representing his military branch, Backblast (v2) proudly wears an olive drab U.S. Army t-shirt! He has light-tan pants with green camo splotches on them. His helmet was olive drab and he wore grey boots. Unfortunately, they left the maps on his leg BLANK! How disappointing! Now it's just a white square on his leg! It could be a brick of Ramen noodles for all we know?!?!
For accessories, Backblast is geared up with the usual 90's weapons tree of rehashed stuff. He also has the standard spring-loaded missile launcher of the time. In fact, he carries the EXACT same launcher as several of his teammates - strangely they are all used a bit differently. Mirage uses the same style of launcher for blasting giant mutant creatures. Blast Off and Ice Cream Solder use theirs as flame throwers. While Backblast uses his as an anti-aircraft weapon. I don't know... It's weird. Thankfully, all his gear is black, and not a neon color.
I picked up Backblast (v2) in 1993 when I returned to collecting Joes. The figure was a nice breath of fresh air against the Joes with wilder color schemes. I do like some of the crazy figures, but you need guys like this to balance things out across the line and bring some "normal" into the toyline!
The flaws with this figure are minor! I wish he still had the arm storage/sheath for a knife, but I can live without it. I also think he needs a different missile weapon, not the same one so many others carry. Compared to some other 90's figures, however, all of that is just a drop in the bucket!
All things considered, Backblast (v2) is a pretty sane figure! While Outback and Leatherneck from 1993 are sporting the obnoxiously bright colors, Backblast goes against the grain and stays well hidden in the green foliage. Although his big triple-barreled anti-aircraft is missed, at least he HAS a missile launcher (I'm looking at you Shadow Ninjas Nunchuk, with no nunchakus), not to mention all his weapons are molded in a good color for accessories. The part where the weapons are just recycled weapons is a little more "ignorable" being a decent color!
So this is a cool figure! Backblast (v2) is going to catch ANOTHER 4 out of 5 Cobra Condors!! He's cool, with a few drawbacks. The real question is... which one is better??? That's tough! Off the top of my head, I'll say it's way-close, but Version 1 has a slight edge on v2. I think the unique accessories are what sway my vote.
What did you think of either of these Backblast figures? Which was YOUR favorite? Or did you pass on them both? Let me know in the comments below!
Firing off more info about Backblast...
--- What's up with the motto? Sounds like the commercial. That's just weird!
--- Backblast was consistent in maintaining a normal color scheme for a soldier, despite those around him following trends and opting for zany-neon outfits. So while Cobra zeroes in on Long Arm and Ice Cream Soldier, Backblast is safely doing his thing - knocking down enemy aircraft, with no interference!
--- Thanks again to Wayne Bartley for the pic of the V1 figure! Check out his awesome photography and awesome collection on Instagram at Relinquished1979!!
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