In 1985, Cobra unveiled another stage in their bid to conquer the world - the CRIMSON GUARDSMEN!  These Cobra troops are well-educated and skilled individuals in top physical shape.  They assume normal lives with normal jobs all over the world.  Planted in deep cover, they undermine the country from within.  Crimson Guards typically place themselves in various positions of authority or power - such as running for a political office.  

    In Cobra, the Crimson Guard are the Elite Troopers and are considered "too valuable" to send onto a battlefield.  Their "crimson" uniforms are for ceremonial purposes or specialized duty - such as acting as personal bodyguards to Cobra Commander, himself.

    In 1989, several Crimson Guards were called to serve with Cobra's new Python Patrol.  This new sub-group utilized new stealth technology for their uniforms and vehicles.  The Crimson Guards assigned to this team would be given uniforms in the same style as their red ones, but these new ones will have under gone the "pythonizing" process that would make them invisible to radar.


    When the original Python Patrol Crimson Guard hit the shelves in 1989, I didn't like it!  First, the biggest glaring problem is that he ISN'T CRIMSON!!!  Second problem is WHY?  Why is there a Crimson Guard in Python Patrol?  CG's don't spend much time, if any, on the battlefield.  Why would they need to utilize Python Patrol's anti-radar stealth technology?  They are already under deep cover.  The whole concept made no sense!  At the time, I was in high school and already in the process of leaving the Joe world.  This figure was an easy pass!

    In 2023, Hasbro made a Classified version of the Python Patrol CG on the heels of the standard release of the Crimson Guard in 2022.  When I saw the updated figure, I was intrigued!  There still isn't a lot of crimson on him, but there is more than the original had.  Still Hasbro brilliantly did a "course correction" on this guy.  The dull gray faceplate on the original was replaced with a crisp, silver one with a menacing red eye visor.  The blank chest on the original was replaced with a beautiful, proper Cobra symbol in black.  Further improvements were found in details like the cool addition of a ceremonial sword that can be attached on his belt or backpack.  The cherry on top was the Python Patrol symbol stamped on his arm.  Hasbro took a figure that was a "swing-and-a-miss" and turned it into a winner!  

    Okay, the figure looks great, but there is still one problem.  Why are Crimson Guards using "pythonized" uniforms and technology?  This still doesn't add up.  But with this figure's new found awesomeness, I will attempt to explain it away.  Follow along with me here...

    The Python Patrol Crimson Guard's original file card states that his main job is to spy on his Cobra brothers and report any policy violations.  If this is the case, maybe the best time to do this is during battle.  For example, if this guy learns that a Cobra Trooper is leaking information to the Joes, he can use the battlefield to make his move.  The hostilities can act as a distraction and he can get the information to Cobra's High Command.  The uniform would obviously make him appear as if he's joining the fight, but in reality, he's moving invisibly to achieve his real objective.  Neither side would know he was there.

    Whatever the case, I really like this figure!  With Classified, I'm only picking up my favorites.  I had no intensions of buying the Python Patrol Crimson Guard until I saw all the improvements they have made.  This is a 5-Star figure, all the way!

    So what do you think of the Python Patrol Crimson Guard?  Like it?  Hate it?  What do you think of my theory on how he is used?  Do you agree, or do you have a better one?  Let me know in the comments below.

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