One Words Reviews - COBRA WATER-CRAFT (Cobra Convergence 7)

One Word Reviews - Cobra Water-Craft

"A Cobra Convergence 7 Special Edition!!!"

    There's no way you could have kept a round of One word Reviews from taking place for COBRA CONVERGENCE 7!!!  It was bound to happen!  Last year, the Judges took a look at the Aircraft of the Cobra Organization.  This time around they are going to review the Water Vehicles of Cobra - and describe each of them with one word!

    The SCC Panel of Judges includes two longtime friends of mine, using the code names - Deathwish and Knightmare.  We grew up together in the 80's - going to school, hanging out at the local Mall, watching MTV and of course... collecting G.I. Joe!  

    Also throwing their thoughts in are three of my boys!  They use the code names of Blitzwing (16), Beachcomber (13) and Finnster (7).  My kids have grown up around my collection of have listened to me yap about it for years.  They bring a unique perspective as they are familiar with the toyline but they weren't there in the 80's when it was up and running!

    We have to add in the usual quick reminder of the rules...  1.)  Only one word to describe the vehicle.  2.)  Don't duplicate the word.  You can only use them once per round.  3.)  If they feel the need, they can provide a short paragraph to elaborate on their thoughts overall at the end.  All the members of the SCC Judges Panel have not compared notes and have reviewed these vehicles separately!

    So what in the world will they think of Cobras water craft?  Let's find out...

Deathwish:  Cool
Knightmare:  Iconic
Blitzwing:  Rad
Beachcomber:  Cool
Finnster:  Neat

Deathwish:  Nice
Knightmare:  Realistic
Blitzwing:  Neat
Beachcomber:  Simple
Finnster:  Okay

Like this art of the Moray?  It was done by Chris Hemsworth.  Check out his other awesome art at!

Deathwish:  Awesome
Knightmare:  Firepower!
Blitzwing:  Awesome
Beachcomber:  Awesome
Finnster:  Extreme

#4 - COBRA HYDRO-SLED  (1986)
Deathwish:  Stupid
Knightmare:  Useful
Blitzwing:  Weird
Beachcomber:  Odd
Finnster:  Decent

Deathwish:  Radical
Knightmare:  Lacking
Blitzwing:  Wack
Beachcomber:  Nice
Finnster:  Great

#6 - COBRA SEA RAY  (1987)
Deathwish:  So-So  
Knightmare:  Unrealistic
Blitzwing:  Nostalgic
Beachcomber:  Wacky
Finnster:  Weird

Deathwish:  Ridiculous
Knightmare:  Pointless
Blitzwing:  Cool
Beachcomber:  Meh...
Finnster:  Magnificent

#8 - COBRA BUGG  (1988)
Deathwish:  Almost...
Knightmare:  Weird
Blitzwing:  Underrated
Beachcomber:  Weird
Finnster:  Cooooool!

Deathwish:  Pointless
Knightmare:  Uninspired
Blitzwing:  Basic
Beachcomber:  Boring
Finnster:  Rad

#10 - COBRA PIRANHA  (1990)
Deathwish:  Fail
Knightmare:  Cool
Blitzwing:  Flashy
Beachcomber:  Sick
Finnster:  Awesome

#11 - COBRA HAMMERHEAD  (1990)
Deathwish:  Sad
Knightmare:  Immoderate
Blitzwing:  Amazing
Beachcomber:  Fun
Finnster:  Nice

#12 - COBRA RAT  (1992)
Deathwish:  No, just no
Knightmare:  Neat
Blitzwing:  Ehh...
Beachcomber:  Disappointing
Finnster:  Odd

    More thoughts from Deathwish...  "Ok, wow, 4 out of 12... not good odds.  After the Water Moccasin, Night Landing, Hydrofoil and Swampfire, I feel like they just ran out of ideas.  And the Rat... I have no clue what it is, let alone why they thought it was a good idea.  The Bugg was close, I think they could have improved it more, but most of these are a waste of plastic!!  Sad so sad."

    There you have it...  Cobra's water vehicles all reviewed with a single word!!!  What words would you describe these vehicles with?  Which is your favorite?  how about least favorite?  Oh wait, that's the Rat, right???

    All pics came from the G.I. Joe catalogs in my collection... minus the Hydrofoil.  Again, that is from Chris Hemsworth's project - GIJOE365.  Check it out at!


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