SCC Figure Spotlight - CHARBROIL (Version 1 and 2)
"For a flamethrower specialist, he's a pretty nice guy, but with that thing on his back, he isn't going to win a popularity contest in the middle of a firefight." - someone from Charbroil's file card?
I always thought it was a bit odd that the Army discontinued use of the flamethrower weapon, yet the G.I. Joe Team had several troops that specialized in using them. It began with Blowtorch in 1984 and continued with Charbroil in 1988. Towards the end of the line we got 2 in 1993 - Ice Cream Soldier and Blast Off. I can see that maybe the Joe Team had unique, specific experiences that would necessitate the need for them to add a Flamethrower into the group. Yet, they had 4 different people with that job classification. It would have made a little more sense to pick one and upgrade him as the years went by. Only one of these 4 troops would get an upgrade - the subject of this review, 1988's Charbroil.
Charbroil's file card explains that he grew up around fire. From heating frozen water pipes with a blowtorch to tossing coal into blast furnaces. So when it came to joining the Army, he knew exactly the direction he wanted to go. He's also not a popular guy to stand next to on the battlefield with his large backpack full of jellied gasoline!
Charbroil wears a protective uniform that is either dark orange or a brownish orange. It has some yellow highlights, including yellow stripes down each leg. He has a large silver chest piece and silver kneepads. With his helmet off you can see that he has red hair.
For accessories, Charbroil came with a large silver backpack with a lenticular sticker on it. He came with his flamethrower with 2 handle grips on it. He has a thick, segmented hose to connect the weapon to the backpack. His final accessory was his silver helmet with red eye-lenses.
I was a big fan of the 1988 line-up overall! After a weird assortment of characters the year prior, now we were getting some figures that meant business! Charbroil was no exception with his massive backpack and wicked-looking flamethrower, he looked like he could really give Cobra some problems. This was most likely one of those summer "I-just -mowed-the-lawn-and-got-my-allowance-now-what-figure-am-I-going-to -buy" figures!!
I liked the original Joe Flamethrower - Blowtorch, just fine! Charbroil though, looked like they cranked the idea up a few notches though. The more subdued colors, the great accessories, and the cool helmet. I thought Charbroil was a winner! He fit in great with my 1988 group of heavy-hitters - including Hardball (with his multi-shot grenade launcher) and Repeater (with his steadi-cam machine gun) - these 3 brought some major firepower to the game!
Clearly I liked this figure, though I think he wasn't for everyone. Even with a more tamed color palette than Blowtorch, some thought the yellow and silver were still too much. I thought he was great though and I'm slapping this guy with a rating of 4 out of 5 Flame-Broiled Burger King Double Cheeseburgers!!! (...okay, now I want a cheeseburger...)
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Photo credit for Night Force Charbroil goes to Wayne Bartley! We are both in several G.I. Joe Facebook groups and I have always been a fan of his Joe pics and his collection! Thanks Wayne! |
Charbroil got a second figure only a year later in 1989. Apparently he had signed on with the Joe sub-group - Night Force. This team of Joes was specifically designated for night operations. As such, everyone's uniform was updated with colors appropriate for operating in the darkness.
The Night Force sub-group was a Toys R' Us exclusive and had 2 series' of figures. Charbroil was a part of the second wave and was packaged with Repeater (v2).
The file card text basically remained the same as the first figure, in exception for the part that mentions he is the only member of Night Force that enjoys wearing the backpack of fuel that goes to his flamethrower.
This new figure was a straight repaint of the original, only now his color scheme was gray and a metallic blue. His gear was all black now except for the helmet which was cast in the metallic blue with red eye-lenses.
I have never owned this figure! Back in 1989, my friends and I were completely oblivious to the existence of Night Force. There was no internet back then and also there wasn't a Toys R Us in our town. So we simply had no clue. Add in the fact that now they are popular and rare! So finding them now is no easy task. Many people actually prefer the Night Force figures over the original ones!
Seeing this figure now! Wow, I really like it! I like the original, but I like this one's colors even better! He looks more menacing, almost villain-ish, but we all know he's a "good guy". I'm going to hit this figure with a rating of 5 out of 5 Flame-Broiled Burger King Double Cheeseburgers!!! Right on! Charbroil Version 2 topped the original, that doesn't always happen!
So what are your thoughts on Charbroil? Did you think soldiers carrying flamethrowers in the field was a dumb idea or did you think they were cool? Did he fight on the front lines on your battles or stay back to mind the grill at G.I. Joe HQ? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!!
More yammering-on about Charbroil:
--- Again, the Night Force Charbroil photo was taken by Wayne Bartley! See his awesome Joe pics on Instagram at: Relinquished1979.
--- The package art for Charbroil shows two hoses from his chest plate connected to his helmet. The actual figure doesn't have this. It would have looked cool though!
--- My son, Finn, thinks Charbroil's helmet looks like Ant-Man! I suppose I can see the resemblance!
--- Strangely, Night Force Charbroil was pictured as piloting the Night Boomer (Night Force Skystriker). I think he was put there because his helmet might give him more of a pilot-look than any of the other figures in the group. Let's be clear though - he is not a pilot! He is also on the art for the Night Ray (Night Force Hydrofoil) manning the gun turret.
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