SCC Figure Spotlight - DEEP SIX (Version 1 and 2)
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"Of course it's cold, wet and dark down there on the sea bottom, but that's the way I like it!" - Deep Six, 1992.
S.H.A.R.C. DIVER - DEEP SIX (Version 1)
As the G.I. Joe line continued to grow and expand in it's first few years, we saw many new characters with various specialties coming into the Team. We also saw a lot of new vehicles coming in with multiple capabilities. In 1984, the Joes welcomed a Diver into the Team and his vehicle - the SHARC, which was a "flying submarine".
Torpedo was the Team's first resident underwater operative, joining in 1983. In reality, Torpedo was a Navy SEAL which stands for Sea, Air and Land... underwater was only one of many different environments he could operate in. With Deep Six, the SHARC Diver, underwater would be his "zone". This is where he specializes and where he likes it.
Deep Six's file card describes him as a loner and that he never "won any awards for being friendly". He is quiet and reserved and his hobbies are things he does by himself, like bottlecap collecting. Since he does not have the most outgoing personality, Deep Six actually prefers being deep beneath the water's surface so that he can be alone. Regardless, of his aloof demeanor, Deep Six is a great diver!
The first figure we got for Deep Six was unlike any Joe figure we had ever seen before. He was outfitted in a large, bulky grey diving suit with black and yellow highlights. He wore a "glass" helmet, so only his face and red hair were visible.
Deep Six also differed from other Joes by way of articulation. This figure only had 2 points of articulation, his arms could move up and down. He couldn't move like a standard Joe, hold weapons or wear backpacks.
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From the 1991 Impel card series. |
On the other hand, to compensate for the lack of action, the figure had a unique feature. You could hook up a tube and bellows to his back. Then when you pump the bellows you could cause him to sink underwater or rise to the surface. It is debatable if these are actually considered accessories though.
Looking at the figure overall, there were some great ideas here. I don't know if they worked out as well as planned, but you can see what they were trying to accomplish. The figure is unique and the "diving" feature was kind of cool, but he was still very limited compared to the rest of the toyline. With the figure's limited articulation, I just felt there wasn't much he could do. He wasn't going to be firing the guns on the G.I. Joe Headquarters or ride shotgun in the Dragonfly. He was pretty much limited to sitting in his vehicle... good thing he likes to be alone!
In addition, the SHARC was a strange vehicle and no other figures could really drive it. Being smaller in size, I would presume they would just rattle around in there. Deep Six, himself, just laid face down inside it...?
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It took a while, but Deep Six would eventually receive an updated figure in 1989. This time around, however, things would be much different. First of all, he did not come with a vehicle and he was now single-carded with the other standard figures. Secondly, he was built in the same fashion as a normal Joe figure. Now he had all the articulation similar to the other Joes and he could also use accessories.
The file card is significantly updated with information. It reiterates the part about his "loner" type personality, but goes on to say he has given up many of his hobbies to concentrate on "recording and studying whale-songs". The bottom paragraph of the file card paints a vicious picture of Deep Six sneaking up behind Cobra's underwater operatives and cutting their air hoses.
Deep Six's new uniform was still a bit bulky compared to other standard Joe figures, but it was a major improvement! His diving outfit was primarily light blue and olive drab with some orange highlights. Hasbro did a good job making the new Deep Six head-sculpt match the original with the red hair.
Now that he could use accessories, he was outfitted with several. He included a large, black backpack with his oxygen tanks and a sculpted on knife. He had a black rubber hose that connected to the backpack as well as his gray buoy. He has a strange looking gray gun. Looking at the package artwork, it appears to be a spear gun. His last accessory is his orange helmet.
I really like this version of the figure! In my opinion it is far superior to the original! This is what I would have wanted the first time around - a figure with articulation and with interesting accessories. The figure is not without it's flaws though.
It bugs me that the viewport through the helmet is orange. The helmet is one solid hunk of plastic and could have greatly benefitted from a black sticker in the middle or even hollow it out and "imply" there is glass present. Also, the buoy has no real purpose. Your figure is just going to drag it around behind him.
It's not enough to bring the figure down though! This is still a cool figure and Deep Six (v2) fares much better on the rating scale with 4 out of 5 Friendliness Awards! That's gotta put a smile on his face!!
What are your thoughts on Deep Six? Did you prefer the original or the 1989 version? How did he fit into your battles? Did he whip the buoy around like a mace to fend off Cobra Eels? Let me know in the comments below!
Diving deep with Deep Six...
--- Yeah... I don't own Deep Six (v1) or the SHARC anymore. I eventually acquired them as a collector, but when I downsized my collection several years ago... he was in that group. So for now, I'm using pics from the catalog and the Impel Trading Card Series. Should I ever re-acquire the figure again, I'll add some new pics!
--- Contributing to the strangeness of the SHARC... it was often portrayed incorrectly in the media. The cartoons had 2 seats inside it where you sat upright. In the comics it was launched from inside the WHALE hovercraft...? Bizarre...
--- 1989 was my final Joe year for awhile. So I only purchased a handful of figures - Deep Six was not among them. As I got back into collecting, I acquired a large bag of accessories and Deep Six's (v2) gear was in there. I recently found the figure loose and put it all together. I'm very happy with this figure!
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Deep Six (v2) from the 1991 Impel card series. |
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