One & Done (Frustrated Edition) - STARDUSTER

"If you think you've heard the last of me, you're in for a big surprise!" - Starduster, 1985.


    Okay, let's set some things straight about this figure right from the beginning... I wanted this figure, I never got this figure, and most likely  - I will never own this figure.  Got it?  Alright.  Let's move on...

    In early 1986, I remember there was a new Marvel Age Comic that had a piece called "Meet The New Joes".  This would be the Joes that would be included with the upcoming Series 5 line-up.  It featured parts of their file cards and (miscolored) pictures of the new characters.  Strangely, two pictures were missing - Dial-Tone and someone named Hedge Hopper.  We all know how Dial-Tone ended up looking, but I was instantly intrigued by Hedge Hopper.  He was a Jet Pack Trooper.  The JUMP Jet Pack had already been discontinued and when it was out, it already had a pilot - Grand Slam.  So why now?  Why put the JUMP back out with a new pilot?

    Furthermore, the name and birthplace on the bio was CLASSIFIED.  The only Joe like that was Snake Eyes.  Why the mystery here?  No picture, limited information.  Very strange.  It didn't help matters when Series 5 was finally released and Hedge Hopper was not among the group.

    Eventually, in 1987, a new Jet Pack Trooper was offered as a mail-in promotion - Starduster.  This figure was offered on the box of the G.I. Joe Cereal - Action Stars and also from Hasbro Direct with the Pocket Patrol Pack - a small case that attached to your belt and you could transport 3 figures.  He had a small storyline that went with him that could be read in a series of 3 mini-comics that came with the cereal.
    According to the file card, Starduster was a circus acrobat before his military career.  He used his circus skills as an Airborne Ranger pulling crazy, hair-raising stunts from a rope beneath a Huey helicopter.  Impressed, Duke decided to hook Starduster up with a JUMP Jet Pack with much success.  Now he courageously blasts into the sky during heavy firefights to call out enemy positions for the Joe Team.

    There were a few variations on the figure, and I'm not going to go into all that.  Many other sites have that covered in great detail.  But Starduster's basic look included a light blue color scheme with green camo patches on his pants.  For his head, they used the same sculpt that they used for many Series 1 figures, Flash and Hawk, but now with black hair.

    For accessories, Starduster's gear was recycled from other figures.  His weapon was the grenade launcher that previously came with Gung-Ho, now in silver plastic.  He came with a Series 1 helmet with a star painted on it in blue plastic and a black visor that attached to it.  His final accessory was obviously the JUMP jet pack.  This one did not have stickers or the laser pistol and cable like the original though.

    I didn't make the connection for awhile that Starduster is most likely what Hedge Hopper would have been.  I also didn't order it.  Why?  I'm not really sure.  I know I never ate the Action Stars cereal...  I also wasn't really interested in the Pocket Patrol Pack.  So I simply passed on the figure.  Now looking back... argh... I kick myself for not ordering Starduster.

    In 1993, when I returned to G.I. Joe the first time after a 89-92 break, I never found Starduster.  I wasn't specifically looking for him, but I was looking for anything I could find, and he was just never there.  Fast forward to 2021 and a Collectable's shop near me has him... for $450!!!  Nope, forget it, I'm out.  That's insane!  Not happening!  

    That's why Starduster is placed in the "Frustrated Edition" series.  I'm frustrated I didn't order him back in the day, and I'm frustrated at the ridiculous prices of the figure now!  So I had to make my peace with the fact I'll never own the figure.  If Hasbro ever makes a Classified version, maybe I'll get that, but that's probably a long shot.

    I'm still going to rate this figure though, even though I don't have it.  Overall, I love the concept of an acrobatic Jet Pack Trooper.  Unfortunately, the figure and accessories are all recycled.  Add in the fact that the JUMP itself got a lot of spotlight of it's own while being piloted by other people.  Still, they tried to steer away from that and give the character his own story and skill.  I'm giving Starduster a 4 out of 5 Big Top Tents!  He should probably get a 3 but the rarity of the figure gives him an extra boost.

        Starduster essentially got only one figure in the G.I. Joe line.  There were multiple variations over the years, but he never saw an actual upgrade or any different type of release like in Battle Corps or anything.  This is a shame as I think they could have grown the character more and given him a little more attention and spotlight.

    So where are you at with Starduster?  Did you order him or pass?  Any stories from his adventures with your Joe figures?  

More incessant yapping about Starduster...

--- They need to re-do this guy for the Classified Series.  Make the guy decently available for crying out loud!!!  Don't play with collector's minds and make him difficult to find.

--- Comparing Starduster and Hedge Hopper's file cards, Hedge Hopper's didn't have any of the circus acrobat stuff in it.  Instead, he simply dreamt of personal flight and flying airplanes wasn't cutting it.

Credits:  The pictures of Starduster are all from various G.I. Joe mail-in catalogs from my collection!


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