Snoova's Diorama Gallery - STAR BRIGADE MOON BASE

Star Brigade Moon Base

    There is not a lot of options for displaying the Star Brigade figures, so I thought I would make a small diorama to display a few of them.  I don't like the idea of Star Brigade being this interstellar force that goes planet to planet, battles space aliens, and "flies through the rings of Saturn".

    I would rather go with something at least slightly more realistic - like a base on the moon!  I can see Cobra starting some trouble in space, so the Joes might need to build an outpost and stage some troops there.  Star Brigade will be there and ready when the Cobra threat arrives.

    I built a small door that would lead to an underground base.  There is a working red light above to signal the blast doors were open.  Its hard to tell, but there are working light inside the base chamber as well.  I also made a small laser cannon to the side.  This could defend against Cobra B.A.A.T.s that were marching into the vicinity.  It also has a working light on it.

    The background is mostly paper mache, minus the various parts that are a part of the underground base.  The working lights also make up some of the stars in the sky as well as some glow in the dark paint.

    Heading out into the action is Ozone, Payload and Countdown.  I'm not a big fan of the spring-loaded missile launchers.  I don't hate them, they are just a little too much sometimes... especially how in 1993 practically EVERYBODY had one.  So only Countdown has one here, he's bringing the heavy artillery.  Ozone and Payload will take to the fight with their laser guns.

    So that's basically it.  I just wanted something small to put some of my Star Brigade figures out there.  I like this sub-group.  The "Joes in space" concept was a little far-fetched, but I still liked it.  There were some good looking figures in this group.  Now some of them have a cool place to call home on my shelves.  I plan to eventually do another Star Brigade mini-diorama in the future... I need to have something to show off Sci-Fi (v4)!  He's my favorite figure among the whole group!

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