One Word Reviews - SERIES 4 (1985)
One Word Reviews - Series 4 (1985)
"It was the best of times!"
It's been awhile, so I think it's time to jump back into some ONE WORD REVIEWS! Yes, this is where the Judges Panel of the SCC is given an entire Wave of Joes to review... The Trick? They can only use ONE word to describe the figure, and they can't use it twice in the same Wave.
The 6 Judges on the panel consist of two of my very best friends growing up in the world of G.I. Joe. Using the code names of Deathwish and Knightmare - we spent many countless hours playing, discussing and hunting for G.I. Joe Toys.
Joining in the fun are 4 of my boys - using the code names of Blitzwing (15), Agent Zero (17), Gravy (15) and Beachcomber (12). They have grown up around my collection and have had their own Joe figures over the years. Unfortunately, Agent Zero wasn't able to get in on this Wave.
Anybody familiar with G.I. Joe should be well-aware that the 1985 Series is widely considered one of the best years in the toy-line, if not THE best!!! So, what does that mean the Judges will think of these figures? We all have our opinions - maybe someone thinks this Wave of figures was a loser? Maybe there aren't enough positive words to go around?? I don't know... Let's see what they say...
AIRTIGHT - Hostile Environment
Deathwish: Neat
Knightmare: Odd
Blitzwing: Favorite
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Alright
Beachcomber: Splendid
ALPINE - Mountain Trooper
Deathwish: Not bad
Knightmare: Interesting
Blitzwing: Normal
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Cool
Beachcomber: Awesome
BARBECUE - Firefighter
Deathwish: So-so
Knightmare: Fire
Blitzwing: Awesome
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Epic
Beachcomber: Fantastic
BAZOOKA - Missile Specialist
Deathwish: Bubblegum
Knightmare: Weird
Blitzwing: Strange
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Nifty
Beachcomber: Wacky-cool
BUZZER - Dreadnok
Deathwish: Awesome
Knightmare: Sharp
Blitzwing: Wack
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Intimidating
Beachcomber: Wacky
CRANKCASE - AWE Striker Driver (w/ AWE Striker)
Deathwish: Alright
Knightmare: Plain
Blitzwing: Basic
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Underwhelming
Beachcomber: Average
CRIMSON GUARD - Cobra Elite Trooper
Deathwish: Great
Knightmare: Spiffy
Blitzwing: Clean
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Super
Beachcomber: Interesting
DUSTY - Desert Trooper
Deathwish: Radical
Knightmare: Different
Blitzwing: Mid
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Dusty
Beachcomber: Okay
EELS - Cobra Frogman
Deathwish: On-Point
Knightmare: Cool
Blitzwing: Excellent
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Decent
Beachcomber: Crazy-cool
FLINT - Warrant Officer
Deathwish: Leader
Knightmare: Good
Blitzwing: Okay
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Amazing
Beachcomber: Tough
FOOTLOOSE - Infantry Trooper
Deathwish: Grunt
Knightmare: Average
Blitzwing: Bland
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Bland
Beachcomber: Uninteresting
FROSTBITE - Snowcat Driver (w/ Snowcat)
Deathwish: Cold
Knightmare: Neat
Blitzwing: Neat
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Chilly
Beachcomber: Normal
HEAVY METAL - Mauler MBT Tank Driver (w/ Mauler)
Deathwish: Rockin'
Knightmare: Boss
Blitzwing: Name-unfitting
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Interesting
Beachcomber: Decent
KEEL-HAUL - Admiral (w/ USS Flagg)
Deathwish: Top-Gun
Knightmare: Ultimate
Blitzwing: Epic
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Incredible
Beachcomber: Groovy
LADY JAYE - Covert Operations
Deathwish: Taken
Knightmare: Okay
Blitzwing: Decent
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Passable
Beachcomber: Nifty
LAMPREYS - Cobra Hydrofoil Pilot (w/ Moray)
Deathwish: Crazy
Knightmare: Awesome
Blitzwing: Splendid
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Slick
Beachcomber: Dope
QUICK KICK - Silent Weapons
Deathwish: Karate
Knightmare: Pass
Blitzwing: Weird
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Groovy
Beachcomber: Brrr
RIPPER - Dreadnok
Deathwish: Grape-Soda
Knightmare: Solid
Blitzwing: Ehh...
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Scary
Beachcomber: Scary
Deathwish: Sailor
Knightmare: Neat
Blitzwing: Nostalgic
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Fantastic
Beachcomber: Awesome
SNAKE EYES - Commando (version 2)
Deathwish: Favorite
Knightmare: Upgrade
Blitzwing: Colorless
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Sleek
Beachcomber: Fabulous
SNOW SERPENT - Cobra Polar Assault
Deathwish: Icey
Knightmare: Intriguing
Blitzwing: Cool
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Neat
Beachcomber: Rockin'
TELE-VIPER - Cobra Communications
Deathwish: Geek
Knightmare: Strange
Blitzwing: Bad
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Normal
Beachcomber: Essential
TOLLBOOTH - Bridge Layer Driver (w/ Toss n' Cross)
Deathwish: Sledgehammer
Knightmare: Fine
Blitzwing: Thumbs-up
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Immaculate
Beachcomber: Basic
TOMAX & XAMOT - Crimson Guard Commanders
Deathwish: Scheming
Knightmare: Unusual
Blitzwing: Good
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Fabulous
Beachcomber: Fantabulous
TORCH - Dreadnok
Deathwish: Fire
Knightmare: Decent
Blitzwing: Bleh
Agent Zero: w--
Gravy: Hot!
Beachcomber: Firey
TRIPWIRE - Mine Detector (version 2, with Listen & Fun book)
Deathwish: Pointless
Knightmare: Painful (listen to the cassette on YouTube)
Blitzwing: Eye-Roasting
Agent Zero: --
Gravy: Bright
Beachcomber: Unique
Thoughts from Deathwish: "This wave of Joes was top-notch, if not the best! The difference in the figures was great and the playability was out of control. I love how the figures were like the cartoon. I also like how almost all of them were realistic for the most part, whereas in the later series', they weren't."
Thoughts from Knightmare: "This was a year that introduced a lot of different characters and 2 new factions. Tomax and Xamot brought with them the Crimson Guard and Zartan received the Dreadnoks. We also got the "big Daddy" of a G.I. Joe Collector's dream - the USS Flagg! This was the dream of every kid, but was so stupid big, no one had a room for it! Yes, a ROOM, because it was that big! As a side note, I did judge the figures that came with vehicles WITH their respective vehicles. I feel that if I hadn't, most of them would be lacking since it was usually just a figure with a small accessory."
Well, there you go! The SCC Judges have taken on one of the best Waves of G.I. Joe figures! What are your thoughts on Wave 4? What words would you use to describe these figures? Which one was your favorite?
We will soon return with Wave 5 where the "crazy-dial" gets turned up a notch. Stay tuned!!
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