One & Done - SEA SLUG

"Serpentor, what shall we call the new Sea Ray pilot?"

"Ehh...  I don't know...  Uhhh, just call 'em Sea-SLUGS or something..."


    Cobra was ready to conquer the seas in 1985 when they created the Eels.  As Cobra's Frogmen, the Eels were experts in underwater fighting techniques and demolitions.  They were dangerous opponents that also piloted Cobra's Naval ships and operated their Marine outposts.  From the beginning, the Eel division was an excellent starting point for a trooper's career in Cobra.  Completing the Cobra Frogman training would open up several opportunities for advancement into other troop categories.  In 1987, Eels had the option of moving into the ranks of the Sea Slugs.

    Cobra had a new vehicle that year called the Sea Ray.  In some ways, it was their answer to the G.I. Joe Team's flying submarine - the SHARC.  The vehicle was a small plane with the ability to split in two with the front end becoming a sub and the back wing-section becoming a glider.  Sea Slugs were the designated pilots for these vehicles.

    After a Cobra Eel is chosen for Sea Slug status, his training for the Sea Ray vehicle is divided into three categories which include river sand ports, deep ocean and the Arctic.  At least 35% of the candidates wash out during the Arctic part.  Not much more is said about the pilot, rather the file card focuses on the abilities of the vehicle itself.

    The sculpting for the Sea Slug figure has a very futuristic, almost Flash Gordon, look to it - especially the bizarre helmet and visor.  His uniform is predominantly a light purple (lavender?) with some occasional yellow and black accents.  On his chest, instead of the standard Cobra symbol, the Sea Slug wears the symbol of the Sea Ray itself.  The figure came with one accessory, a silver sci-fi-looking pistol.

    As a kid, much of the 1987 Series perplexed me, the Sea Ray was no exception.  I remember always seeing this vehicle at the Eagle Grocery Store.  This was a strange vehicle and that was a strange place to see it!  I would always pick it up and look at it... I just didn't understand it.  Is the Sea Ray a "flying submarine" like the SHARC?  If not, how does it land?  Another thought was , if the Sea Ray splits and the guy on the glider is far out over the ocean... is he just straight outta luck??  How would they ever re-connect?

    Furthermore, the look of the Sea Slug didn't make sense to me either.  If the Sea Ray dives underwater, why doesn't the driver have gear to operate underwater as well?  He was an Eel at one time.  Shouldn't he be able to exit the vehicle like Deep Six could?  Shouldn't he have a weapon that is functional underwater as well?

    Obviously, I passed on buying the Sea Ray when it was on the shelves.  Later, when it was available for mail order, I ordered one (yeah... I finally order something and I chose the Sea Ray over Starduster???  Yet, another thing that doesn't make sense!!!).  I guess I wanted to give this weird vehicle another chance.  The oddity of the vehicle now had me curious.  Unfortunately, the Sea Slug did not come with the mail-in version.  So I eventually picked up the figure at a collectables shop.

    So how does the Sea Slug measure up in the end?  Well, the lavender color is a bit odd, as is the crazy helmet.  I wish he had a nice Cobra symbol somewhere, because with his odd look, someone might think he belongs with another toy line.  The Sea Ray symbol on his chest is a clever addition though!  I also would have preferred he come with an underwater weapon rather than the futuristic one that looks like a water pistol.  All that said, the Sea Slug does have a weird uniqueness about him that I appreciate!  There is just something intriguing about this figure.  Therefore, he's not quite at the bottom of the barrel and he will take a rating of 3 out of 5 Futuristic-Styled Squirt Guns!  Hey Mr. Sea Slug, it could have been worse!

    So where are you when it comes to the Sea Slug and/or the Sea Ray?  Did you think he was just another oddity among the wild array of figures in 1987 or did you like him and his Sea Ray?  Let me know in the comments below!!!

Other silly, random thoughts about the Sea Slugs...

--- Seriously... no one in Cobra Management really cared about the naming process...  The year 1987 was a bizarre year for Cobra.  I suppose it's possible the power struggle between Cobra Commander and Serpentor was putting a lot of tension on the command team of the evil organization and it was starting to show.  Between several odd selections of new hires and the creation of strange vehicles and their drivers, it was painfully obvious something was off-track.  Cobra brought in a Reptile Trainer for Security and a Hypnotist as an Interrogator.  They also created new teams of drivers with lackluster names like Sea-Slug and WORMS.  It was like the Command Team didn't have the time to think things through...

--- Neither the Sea Ray or Sea Slug ever appeared in the comic or cartoon.  So it never got a chance to have any spotlight.  If they had though, I probably would have picked them up when they were on store shelves in 1987.

--- Unfortunately, the name sounds like a step down... "Hey, I was an Eel... now I'm a Sea Slug"?

--- Waaaay back when... when I mail ordered the HISS Tank, the order form said "Driver not included".  To my surprise, however, they actually DID send a HISS Driver with it?!?!  A few years later, when I mail ordered the Sea Ray, I was hopeful that it would include the Sea Slug, even though it said it wouldn't.  Unfortunately, this time I didn't get the figure...  Bummer.


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