One Word Reviews - Series 3 (1984)
"Kicking It Up A Notch!"
The SCC's One Word Reviews returns with Series 3!!! I think most people can agree - this was a GREAT Series of figures! We saw some incredible additions to the toy-line in 1984! But hold on a moment... what does the SCC Panel of Judges say about this Classic Wave of characters? Is there enough words that describe how "awesome" so many of these figures are? or are we going to be shocked at how much they didn't like these guys??? We are going to find out... but first, a reminder of the SCC Panel of Judges...
Two longtime friends of mine, using the code names - Deathwish and Knightmare, are bring there expertise to Snoova's Corner Cafe to reviews these figures! I have known these guys a long time and we grew up collecting this stuff together!
Also joining in are 3 of my boys - code named Agent Zero (17), Blitzwing (15) and Gravy (15). They have grown up with more modern Joe figures, but they have been around my collection. We have watched the cartoons and they have heard me yap about this stuff for many years.
A quick reminder of the rules... 1.) Only one word to describe the figure. 2.) Don't duplicate the word for a second figure in the same series. 3.) If they feel the need, they can provide a short paragraph to elaborate on their thoughts overall. All five members of the SCC Judges Panel have not compared notes and have reviewed these figures separately!
So what are we waiting for??? This is a great Series!!! Let's get going and see what they have to say about this lineup of figures!!
BARONESS - Cobra Intelligence Officer
Deathwish: Sexy
Knightmare: Decent
Blitzwing: Okay
Agent Zero: Superb
Gravy: Decent
BLOWTORCH - Flamethrower
Deathwish: Neat
Knightmare: Cool
Blitzwing: Good
Agent Zero: Cool
Gravy: Epic
Deathwish: Classic
Knightmare: Pass
Blitzwing: Boring
Agent Zero: Okay
Gravy: Lame
COBRA COMMANDER - Enemy Leader (v2/hooded, mail-in)
Deathwish: Sweet
Knightmare: Indifferent
Blitzwing: Neat
Agent Zero: Best
Gravy: Funny-lookin'
COPPERHEAD - Water Moccasin Pilot (w/ Water Moccasin)
Deathwish: Boring
Knightmare: Neat
Blitzwing: Decent
Agent Zero: Top-tier
Gravy: Neat
CUTTER - Hovercraft Pilot (W/ WHALE Hovercraft)
Deathwish: Lacking
Knightmare: Good
Blitzwing: Basic
Agent Zero: Basic
Gravy: Fabulous
DEEP SIX - SHARC Diver (w/ SHARC Flying Submarine)
Deathwish: Chunk
Knightmare: Fascinating
Blitzwing: Weird
Agent Zero: Bulky
Gravy: Fantastic
DUKE - First Sergeant (was a mail-in, now carded, answers are repeated from Series 2)
Deathwish: Still Smiling!
Knightmare: Respectable
Blitzwing: Generic
Agent Zero: Basic
Gravy: Handy
FIREFLY - Cobra Saboteur
Deathwish: Awesome
Knightmare: Great
Blitzwing: Clean
Agent Zero: Great
Gravy: Amazing
MUTT - Dog Handler
Deathwish: Cool
Knightmare: Nice
Blitzwing: Cool
Agent Zero: Interesting
Gravy: Incredible
RECONDO - Jungle Trooper
Deathwish: Jesse-Ventura
Knightmare: Average
Blitzwing: Excellent
Agent Zero: Alright
Gravy: Okay
Deathwish: Gutsy
Knightmare: Solid
Blitzwing: Tolerable
Agent Zero: Clean
Gravy: Nice
ROADBLOCK - Heavy Machine Gunner
Deathwish: Heavy-metal
Knightmare: Okay
Blitzwing: Ehh...
Agent Zero: Fantastic
Gravy: Sick
SCRAP IRON - Cobra Anti-Armor Specialist
Deathwish: Waste
Knightmare: Interesting
Blitzwing: Great
Agent Zero: Explosive
Gravy: Cool
SPIRIT - Tracker
Deathwish: America
Knightmare: Stereotyped
Blitzwing: Epic
Agent Zero: Unique
Gravy: Unique
STINGER DRIVER - Driver of the Stinger...
Deathwish: Better
Knightmare: Bland
Blitzwing: Acceptable
Agent Zero: Good
Gravy: Basic
STORM SHADOW - Cobra Ninja
Deathwish: Favorite (of this series)
Knightmare: Excellent
Blitzwing: Iconic
Agent Zero: Iconic
Gravy: Favorite
THUNDER - Self-Propelled Gun Artilleryman (w/ Slugger tank)
Deathwish: Boom!
Knightmare: Mediocre
Blitzwing: Alright
Agent Zero: Groovy
Gravy: Dope
WILD WEASEL - Cobra Rattler Pilot (w/ Rattler jet)
Deathwish: Wild
Knightmare: Reasonable
Blitzwing: Bland
Agent Zero: Phenomenal
Gravy: Impressive
ZARTAN - Master Of Disguise (w/ Swamp Skier)
Deathwish: Radical
Knightmare: Awesome
Blitzwing: Different
Agent Zero: Sneaky
Gravy: Scary
Additional thoughts by Deathwish: Absolutely a much better assortment of figures. Unlike the past two series', these guys have a more individual look to them. There are a few I feel could have been better (Scrap Iron, Cutter, Copperhead and Deep Six). Still, not bad. Plus two of my faves - Firefly and Storm Shadow, out of my Top 10 of all time Joes! Looking forward to Series 4!!!
Additional thoughts by Knightmare: This was a time when many from my generation really got into collecting G.I. Joes. This seemed to be the year of accessories, vehicles and innovations. Mutt had Junkyard, Deep Six could actually dive and Storm Shadow had, well, a lot of stuff. I tried to judge the figures that came with vehicles, without the vehicle. Then there is Zartan. He had all the ideas this year. He came with a mask and the Swamp Skier. The skier could be disassembled, put in the crate and with the mask - Zartan becomes a scrap dealer. The biggest thing was he could change color in sunlight and it worked perfectly! All the additions this year were very interesting, all in all.
Well, there you have it!!! One of the most impressive G.I. Joe line-ups ever - each reviewed with a single word! Characters like Mutt, Storm Shadow, Firefly and Blowtorch seemed to fair quite well! I'm not surprised on that. I was surprised at the mixed comments on some of the other figures like Recondo and Roadblock! Such craziness! No worries though, we all have our own opinions and that's what makes One Word Reviews such a fun trip!
One Word Reviews will cover another epic line-up soon with Series 4. However, there will be a Special Edition version of One Word Reviews coming up next month!! What is it??? Stay tuned...
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