SCC Figure Spotlight - STORM SHADOW (Version 1, 2, 3 and 4)
It's a fair assessment to say that many Joe fans believe that Cobra's Series 3 (1984) line-up was spectacular! Several iconic characters were released that year including Zartan, Firefly and the Baroness. Though many of these characters share an immense popularity, few have climbed to the heights that Storm Shadow has.
I remember seeing the Cobra Ninja, Storm Shadow, on the cardback of the first figure (Recondo) I got of that Series. Who was this guy? What in the world was a "ninja"? Why is he carrying swords when so many others are carrying guns?
For me personally, there was a lot of mystery surrounding this character. MY first introduction to this character was in the famous "silent issue" of the G.I. Joe comic book, Issue #21. Storm Shadow - a character we have never seen before, shows up at a castle we have never seen before and has somehow captured Scarlett. Snake Eyes comes to the rescue and the two battle. The heroes escape and at the very end it is shown that Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow share the same tattoos on their forearms. Nothing is said or explained. Then top it off that I miss the next few months of comics... So this character was just a big question mark to me.
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Storm Shadow card from the 1991 Impel Series. |
Storm Shadow's first file card does not delve into his personality at all. It explains that he is a descendent of thirty generations of assassins and that he has incredible skill! The fact that he could climb a wall with bare hands and feet always impressed me. For a character that started out with a lot of mystery, he would eventually be one of the characters the media would explore the most!
The figure for Storm Shadow has an all-white uniform with his face covered by a white balaclava mask. He has black bandolier and black belt. In his belt he has a knife and two throwing stars stashed there. His forearms are covered in a white wrapping.
In this third series of G.I. Joe figures, Storm Shadow had the most impressive set of accessories by far! All cast in black plastic, he came with a pair of nunchakus, a bow, a long sword, a short sword and a quiver backpack. Storm Shadow wore the backpack cocked to the side so he could reach his arrows. It also had the ability to open so you could see the arrows inside. It had sheathes so you could store both swords and a peg to hold the bow. All these weapons were so unique and intriguing, not any of the other figures at the time had accessories like this.
Wow, Storm Shadow was an instant favorite in my collection! I had a lot of fun with this figure! I lost the bow right out the gate, but I found a different replacement weapon from one of my accessory packs. In the G.I. Joe comic, Issue #24, Storm Shadow is perched in a tree, using a sniper rifle. I often gave my figure the Cobra Trooper sniper rifle and even found a way to attach it to the backpack! So it wasn't unusual to find my Storm Shadow hiding in the houseplants waiting for a Sky Hawk to fly by or something.
By 1992, Hasbro would give us several ninjas... but back in 1984 this figure was so unusual and exciting! Even among so many other great figures in the 1984 Wave, Storm Shadow was still able to stand out. Everything was great - the figure, the accessories, the file card, the card art! All fantastic!! I'm sure you have already figured out that this figure is going to get a rating of 5 out of 5 Karate Kicks!!! He's THAT awesome!!
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Storm Shadow returned in 1988 but a few things had changed for the ninja! Following the storyline in the G.I. Joe Marvel comic, Storm Shadow had left Cobra. The file card gives a brief history of that story, explaining that Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes have a connection from serving in Southeast Asia together and later studying Ninjutsu with Storm Shadow's family.
Storm Shadow joined Cobra to discover the identity of the person who killed his Uncle and mentor. He soon realized that revenge was a poor substitute for life and he left the evil organization. At this point, the ninja considers himself semi-retired, living in seclusion in a cabin in the woods. He will, however, take on an occasional mission for the G.I. Joe Team, if Snake Eyes "asks him nicely."
The figure for Storm Shadow (Version 2) again had a white uniform, but this time it had the addition of a grey digital camo on it. He had a hood pulled over his balaclava mask and he had some climbing rope running over his shoulder. His sleeves were molded so they appeared to be loose and you could see the red hexagram tattoo on his forearm!
Storm Shadow came with 4 accessories. He now carried a large, black compound bow with some excellent detail and a black climbing claw that would attach to his hand. He also came with a red sword that could fit onto his red backpack.
This figure was excellent! I can't speak for everyone, but following Storm Shadow's desertion of Cobra... I didn't know what Hasbro would do. Would we never see the character again? Would they ignore the comic story and keep him in Cobra? What??? They made a great move though. He quit Cobra, he helps the Joes and he has a cool updated uniform. Add in the great accessories and you have a winning figure! The first version of Storm Shadow got to see a lot of exposure in the comics... and he went through a lot! But this figure seems to break free of that and begin anew for the ninja!
As I said at the beginning, Storm Shadow (v1) was released amongst an impressive wave of figures in 1984. Storm Shadow (v2) did the same thing! The 1988 wave was a breath of fresh air compared to the wild ride we had the year before. Some fantastic figures came out at the same time - Iron Grenadier, Hydro-Viper, Blizzard... but Storm Shadow still stood tall!
It got to the point where the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow saga was getting to be too much! Regardless... this is hands-down, my favorite version of Storm Shadow! So there is no doubt that this figure is going to catch a beautiful 5 out of 5 Karate Kicks rating!
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"Train hard, fight easy" - Storm Shadow, 1992
A third version of Storm Shadow was released in 1992. The figure was a part of a new sub-group called Ninja Force. This was a small squad of ninja warriors which included Dojo, T'JBang and Nunchuk. Storm Shadow apparently had decided to come out of semi-retirement. He was now a full-fledged member of the G.I. Joe Team as the Ninja Force Leader.
The file card with this figure removes a lot of the mystery of the character of Storm Shadow with plenty of information. Some of the details given include his name, birthplace, serial number and rank. His name is listed as Thomas Arashikage. It says his birthplace is St. Louis, MO., which is odd if he was supposed to have grown up in a family ninja clan. It also mentions he is an E-8 First Sergeant.
An odd addition to the file card is that he drives the Patriot tank. As a stealthy ninja and a sub-team leader, I just don't really see him spending much time in this vehicle.
Storm Shadow's Ninja Force outfit is described on the file card as a "Specialized Chameleon Camouflage Battle Uniform". He wears his standard colors of white and black. It looks as if the center of the figure is black with it transitioning to white towards the head and feet of the figure. He has a white belt which continues off the figure as two soft goods belts. He has some gold accents on his throwing stars, smoke bombs and other assorted gears. His balaclava mask now all-black and he wears a white hood over that.
The figure came with 3 accessories - a white sword, a white sickle and a black figure stand.
The construction of the Ninja Force figures was different then the typical G.I. Joe figures. There was now added mechanisms inside the torso of the figures to give them "real ninja moves". Storm Shadow's was called the "Screaming Whirlwind" and was the ability to move one arm and the other would move the opposite way. This would cause a like slashing action with his weapons, or maybe karate chops if he was unarmed.
The addition of this feature cost Storm Shadow in other departments. He no longer had waist articulation and he was also missing the back-screw. So he couldn't carry a backpack and repairing the figure would be quite difficult.
This version of Storm Shadow came out in the void where I was done collecting. When I returned to collecting in 1993, this figure could not be found at retail. I don't know where I even got mine. I know it was loose and used though, I have never owned the sickle for this figure. Strange...
So with 2 stellar Storm Shadow's out there, how does Version 3 measure up?
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Art from the HQ II box! |
Well, the first 2 had so many great aspects to them. The "innovations" that came with Storm Shadow (v3) actually hold him back. I want my ninja figure to have the great articulation a standard figure possesses. I don't need built in "ninja moves". Also, the past 2 figures had fantastic accessories. The sword and sickle are cool, but I miss the backpack, or a place to carry to sword, or a bow (in the comic, his skill with a bow was where he excelled).
The file card repeats information from Snake Eyes or Stalker's file cards. It also reveals too much. I know he is a "good guy" now, and it's okay to mention some new details, but let's keep a little mystery to the guy. That's what the character was built on.
As far as the LOOK of the figure... I love it!!! I think the new uniform is great! He takes elements from both the first 2 figures and combines them. Without seeing a name, it is obvious who this is, even though it was a new figure. I also like his transition into the Joe Team as a full member. I think this is a natural progression and could see him being a good leader for the small ninja team.
The flaws of this figure don't hurt the figure too badly. There is still enough great things to hold this figure up to a rating of 4 out of 5 Karate Kicks!! It's not perfect, but still retains a lot of greatness!
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"I can fight like a ghost with the power of a ninja!" - Storm Shadow, 1994.
The final version of Storm Shadow was released in 1994, the last year of the line. Using the Ninja Force mold from 1992, he was updated with an additional gimmick and assigned to a new sub-group.
Storm Shadow was now part of the Shadow Ninjas and he was the Shadow Ninja Leader. This sub-group took 6 figures from Ninja Force and cast them with a special plastic. This plastic could change from colored to translucent depending on the temperature they were exposed to. This would be referred to as their "Inviso-Power" as the figures were supposed to be turning invisible.
In 1994, many of the file cards were trimmed down to a disappointing baseball card size. Obviously with the small size, the information on it is minor and pretty bland. So while it stated some facts we had already read from previous file cards, it also takes the opportunity to mention his new "Inviso-Power". It says this new power "makes many Cobra Ninjas nervous". Well, they can't be that nervous... Slice and the Night Creepers also have the same power!?!?!
Utilizing the mold from the 1992 Ninja Force Storm Shadow, the figure was now primarily blue with his balaclava mask, belt and boots all black. All these colors would turn to a translucent clear/white color when exposed to warm temperatures. The packaging suggests dipping the figure in warm or cold water to initiate the color change. The only paint ops were on his eyes and 2 gold grenades.
The figure retained his Ninja Force spring-action fighting gimmick with his arms. Only now it was called the "Scissor Slice", even though it was the exact same move as before.
Storm Shadow's new accessories were a weapons tree of recycled gear cast in a clear blue plastic. He came with 3 swords, a knife, a set of nunchakus, 2 climbing claws and a figure stand.
Sooooo... Storm Shadow version 4, the Shadow Ninja... It's different, that's for sure, but that doesn't mean it's bad. What we have here is a figure with a previously used mold, limited articulation, and in colors Storm Shadow is not typically associated with. We have 2 gimmicks, a dull, tiny file card, and reused/unoriginal accessories. It doesn't look good, but wait...
The figure look is okay. I do like how the "ice blue" translucent accessories came out. This was cool, they almost look like "ice" weapons. Also, the "Inviso-Power" is certainly interesting. It's a fun play feature! Yes, it's a bit silly, but I'll take a figure turning invisible over Playdoh armor (Mega Marines) or squirt guns (Eco-Warriors) any day! What would have been beautiful is if they could have gotten rid of the spring-action moves and kept the "inviso" stuff.
The tiny, dull file card sucks... there's no way around this. What a horrible idea to scale these down. The original file cards were such a genius idea and a great bonus to your action figure. This little thing is a sad shadow of what they used to be.
So in the end I have to hit Stormy 4 with a rating of 3 out of 5 Karate Kicks! There are a few negatives, but he's still a good figure! We've seen far worse updates in this line. This one still has enough positives to keep him from falling very low on the scale.
The year 1994 was an exciting time for me as a toy collector. After a break from G.I. Joe since 1990, it was great to finally be back. So I was staying busy trying to track down the figures I had missed during my break. At the same time, my beloved toyline was nearing it's end, so I was buying all the new figures hitting the shelves before they disappeared. The Shadow Ninjas were just another interesting addition to the toyline and I was eager to add them to my collection.
Alright! So where are you on ANY of the four Storm Shadow figures? What order would you put them in? Do you like the non-gimmick versions or prefer the ninja moves and inviso-power?
More jibber-jabbering about Storm Shadow:
--- Part of the charm of the original figure is that, at the time, he was still new and relatively unknown. In 1984, he was not the invincible ultra-warrior we all came to know! He was tough, he was skilled, but he could still lose a fight. I prefer this over the Superman-type character he eventually became.
--- Storm Shadow's story is big and ever-changing with all the different books, movies and cartoons. I'm doing what I typically do - mainly looking at the figures and file cards that Hasbro gave us from 1984 to 1994.
--- Way back when, my Mom bought me Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes at the same time to cheer me up when I was ill. I happened to be reading G.I. Joe, Issue #27 at the time... which features the two on the cover. Total coincidence... she just chose them because they looked cool!
--- Okay, we all know Storm Shadow eventually defected to G.I. Joe... but to me, the first Storm Shadow was always a Cobra. He remained a Cobra agent in my eyes, up until the actual "Joe-version" was released in 1988.
--- Time has not been a friend to my Shadow Ninja Storm Shadow. The color is not kicking in as strong as it once did. The "Inviso" change seems to work though. I put him in the freezer to get his color to come in, and later hit him with a hair dryer to make him invisible.
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