SCC Figure Spotlight - LOW-LIGHT (Version 1)
The G.I. Joe Team brought in another fantastic line-up of new recruits for the 1986 line. One thing they were missing among their ranks was a night fighter. While it could be argued that Snake Eyes sort of fell into this category, they didn't have a specific trooper that's job was to operate in night missions. But now they did... Enter Low-Light - the G.I. Joe Team's Night Spotter.
Low-Light's file card explains how he overcame his childhood fear of the dark. After getting lost in the woods during a hunting trip with his father, he was found "three weeks later with his flashlight, .22 rifle and a grin from ear to ear." Somehow in those three weeks, Low-Light had taught himself how to survive and crushed his fears. Before long he had become a Marksmanship Instructor at Fort Benning as well as an expert of image intensification.
The figure for Low-Light is geared up perfectly for his job with his grey uniform and black gloves and boots. On his head he has a black hat over his blond hair and he is wearing red infrared goggles over his eyes. For accessories, Low-Light had a large black backpack, an uzi sub-machine gun and a sniper rifle with scope and removable bipod.
In 1986, Cobra was starting to get a little wild with their color-changing characters, android soldiers and clone Emperor... The Joe Team, however, still mainly had their feet on the ground with more realistic characters and specialties. Low-Light is one of these characters and he is great! I really liked this figure as a kid. He was perfect for any night missions you sent your figures on. His accessories are great and his uniform is perfect for his specialty.
Some have said that Low-Light is actually a Sniper and the folks at Hasbro downplayed that into a "Night Spotter". It didn't matter to me. As far as I was concerned, he was a Night Fighter and a great addition to the Joe Roster! I don't think there is any way to improve this figure! That said, Low-Light (Version 1) here scores a 5 out of 5 Red-Light Flashlights!!!
As great as the first Low-Light figure was, the character would see several odd changes down the road. He would join the sub-group Slaughter's Marauders in 1988. Then in 1991, he would have an updated figure with his hair color changed to black with a black beard to go with it. The year 1993 would see him join the Dino-Hunters sub-group and would have his black hair and beard both dyed back to blonde...?
I thought Low-Light was awesome! What are your thoughts on him? How did you use him when your Joes took on Cobra forces? Leave your thoughts in the comments below...
More Low-Light jibber-jabbering...
--- There is a weird contraption or device on his left leg. You can use it to store his uzi if you place the two loops on the top of the weapon into the leg device. I don't believe this is how it is supposed to work... But it can work that way if you want it to.
--- Up next... Low-Light (Version 2) - Slaughter's Marauders!
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