In 1989, Hasbro released the sub-group Slaughter’s Marauders - six recolored Joe figures and three vehicles that were recolored and had some additional retooling.  All were outfitted in a special camouflage of brown, light green and dark green.  The figures had the same camo but with an added shade of blue.

    So who were the Slaughter’s Marauders?  In the 1989 catalog it had the different sub-teams listed in the Special Mission Series.  This is what it said for the vehicles… “Heavily armored tanks serve as the spearhead in G.I. Joe’s frontal assault against Cobra and the Iron Grenadiers. Each ground-rumbling vehicle specializes in infiltrating and annihilating fortified garrisons and strongholds! Three color camouflage design enables them to successfully blend into a woodland or jungle environment when conducting offensive maneuvers behind enemy lines.”
    So this is an armor column with woodland or jungle camo.  Clearly the name, Slaughter’s Marauders, tells us Sgt. Slaughter is in charge of this group.  He had five Joes under his command.  Here is the team:

Sgt. Slaughter - Slaughter’s Marauders Commander
Mutt and Junkyard - Animal Control / Utilization Technician
Spirit - Tracker
Low Light - Night Spotter
Footloose - Infantry Trooper
Barbecue - Firefighter

    I really liked the concept of Sgt. Slaughter leading his own tank battalion.  It’s a great idea!  The camouflage is great on the vehicles.  The blue is a little odd on the figures, yet for some reason... I still like it!!  I do, however, feel a bit confused by the figures that were chosen for the group.
    Having the Sarge lead these tanks makes sense, he originally came with his own tank - the Triple T.  Footloose is an Infantry Trooper and he came with a LAW rocket - sounds good.  Unfortunately, I don't feel that Mutt, Barbecue, Spirit and Low Light fit very well.  The package for the Lynx even has Low Light firing his sniper rifle as he’s driving it…?  A Firefighter?  A Dog Handler?  These are GREAT Joes, but they don’t really fit this team.

    If we have tanks, we need people that can drive them.  I figure two people who would be great, are two armor specialists - Heavy Metal and Cross Country. Then add in Bazooka!  If you remember Re-Visiting the Team: Tiger Force... I suggested pulling Bazooka from the team!  This is why!  He is perfect for Slaughter’s Marauders!  Not only does he bring firepower to the team as a Missile Specialist, but according to his file card, he is also a tank driver!!!

    The last one is a bit of a wild one - Starduster, the mail-in, Jet Pack Trooper.  Starduster’s file card makes mention that he can call in enemy positions by use of the JUMP Jet Pack.  That would be highly useful for this team!  It would also be cool to see a character like this get another figure!

    Considering the vehicles... the three Marauder’s tanks that were available included a re-colored Mauler (now called the Equalizer), Wolverine (Lynx) and Armadillo.  Each one had updated weapon systems.  These tanks were the highlight of the team… I wouldn’t change any of them.  Though I do wish they had included Sarge’s Triple T.  I think that would have been a nice addition!

    In the end, I thought the Slaughter’s Marauders sub-group was a cool idea!   Just the figure selection was a bit off track.  Despite my feelings on the figures, I really liked the look of all of them though.  This team was released at a time when I was moving away from G.I. Joe and on to other things.  I only had one figure - Mutt.  Yet, years down the road, as a collector, I still had trouble finding these guys and never expanded my team.

    So what were your thoughts on the Slaughter's Marauders?  Who would you have put in the team if it were up to you?  Does anyone have any pics of any Slaughter's Marauders prototypes or customs?


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