The year 1987 was a strange year for Cobra. Whereas it made sense a few years back to add a saboteur and a master of disguise to their ranks... now they were bringing in more eclectic characters. The evil organization had brought in a hypnotist and a falconier among others. Some Joe collectors were less-than-thrilled with these odd recruits. One of them, however, found some acceptance with Joe fans - the Cobra Reptile Trainer - Croc-Master!
As Cobra's Reptile Trainer - Croc-Master trains and conditions crocodiles to protect Cobra Island within the various waterways and canals around it. Thanks to him these crocodiles are extremely "hostile, psychotic and fast". The file card further explains that Croc-Master was at one time trying to sell people on the concept of using alligators as a measure of home security. (Yes, that it not a mistake. The file card says he uses crocodiles on Cobra Island, but his business beforehand was alligators).
Croc-Master was a menacing-looking character wearing a black hood over his face, giving him a executioner-like appearance. He had red eyes and a breather mask that connected by hose to a device on his shoulder. He had a croc-skin T-top and bare arms. He also had black pants and croc-skin boots. I hope those weren't supposed to be real croc-skin clothing items...? Not sure his security forces would appreciate that!?!?
For accessories, he came with the breather hose, a crocodile and a spiked leash. The final accessory was his lone weapon - a whip. (note: yes, sadly, my figure is missing the hose and whip)
The 1987 line-up was really different to say the least... but for the most part, I was okay with it. I thought what REALLY hurt those characters, was the lack of weaponry or weak accessories. Considering the new Cobra agents that year - Crystal Ball, Raptor and Big Boa... Croc-Master was the ONLY one with a weapon - his whip. I don't know how effective that would be when most of the Joes are hauling guns and missile launchers...? Croc-Master doesn't strike me as an Indiana Jones-type character either... so I didn't foresee any of those moves with the whip.
The figure of Croc-Master is fine. But if I were to make suggestions on how to improve him, first I would make the crocodile a little bit bigger. It's kind of on the small side. And if you wanted to really go all out, make the mouth hinged so it could open and close! He can keep the whip but maybe give him a revolver as well. Something so that if the need came up, he could at least return fire. He has one sculpted on his leg, but I'm talking about one he could actually hold.
I thought the figure of Croc-Master was pretty cool as a kid, yet I never got him. Not sure why I passed him up. I picked him up later as a collector though. He's not my favorite by any means, but I like him alright. I would give Croc-Master a rating of 3 Out of 5 Pairs of Crocs! He kinda just falls right in the middle.
I thought it was amusing how Hasbro treated Croc-Master in the 1987 artwork. Let's face it, he was a homebody. Instead of going out on missions, he stayed back on Cobra Island and maintained his security patrols with his reptile friends. Yet, on the Maggot package, he is manning the tank's massive cannon. I'm sure he has the strength to lift the shells to load the cannon, he doesn't strike me as the guy to be firing it... He is also pictured on the Cobra Wolf snow vehicle packaging where he is in the gunner's seat. Well, I hope they got the heat cranked up in there because I don't see the "reptile trainer" being very useful in cold weather operations.
He is also on the Cobra Action Pack artwork using the Earth borer. Again, this doesn't seem like a job he would be assigned to. It really seems like one of those real-life moments when your boss sees someone standing around and you hear those dreaded words - "Do you need something to do?" Then the person ends up doing the lame job everyone else is trying to avoid. That's how Croc-Master ended up running the Earth Borer!
On a final note, I will add that the comics really did a good job of showing how he operates on Cobra Island. While he was never a stand-out character, the way he was integrated into the storylines when Cobra Island was being infiltrated was great. The concept may still be a bit wild, but it gave some validity to who and what Croc-Master was supposed to be.
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