Snoova's Random G.I. Joe Thoughts: ...AN AMUSING OBSERVATION

    I was recently looking through my parent’s attic in hopes of finding something... anything... from my old toy collection (Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Transformers, MASK, etc.) that I might have long forgotten about.  One thing I THOUGHT I had, was a large box with several smaller G.I. Joe boxes in it.  These would have been boxes from the 90’s, that I kept since I was in “collector” mode in those days.  Well, unfortunately, I came up pretty empty handed.

    I did succeed in finding one thing though - my G.I. Joe Headquarters 2 box.  It was in rough shape!  I mean, it was intact, but the cardboard was very brittle from being stored up there for so long.  I was concerned the thing would disintegrate right there!  So I took several pictures of it.  With the main picture for the HQ so large, I got some close-ups of the individual characters as well.

    I have always loved the artwork with these toys!  Seriously, I think that was the first thing that caught me when the G.I. Joe line came out.  After the first series, there was always the rush of seeing those “new” figures for the first time.  The artwork could really sell you on those figures!!!

    A couple days later, I was going through the pictures.  Thinking of how cool the Headquarters was, looking at the close-ups and seeing which characters were on it.  Then I noticed a few oddities that made me stop and say - “Hey, wait a minute…”  

    I’m really not trying to nitpick here.   I know we all have to give some leeway with these things.  It was just a few little things that made me chuckle.  Mostly because it was stuff that I, myself, had overlooked for a long time.

    The oddities all occur in the same area.  If you look at the section at the right where Cobra Commander is escaping…  First and foremost, he has a gun???  He is breaking free from the jail cell and he is armed?  Did the Joes forget to frisk this guy before throwing him in the slammer?  This appears to be one of the guns the figure came with and I would imagine that would be the weapon the artist would draw.  So, I don’t think he is supposed to have stolen it.

    Also, with Cobra Commander… he seems to be escaping during a very heated battle.  Nearly all guns on the HQ are blazing!  I think we can all safely assume it is Cobra attacking.  The poor guy has one leg out, getting closer to his freedom, and look at how close a bullet has hit near him?  Are the Cobra Troopers that bad of a shot that they almost hit their own leader?

    Now don’t say they are covering his escape… Snake Eyes and Hawk appear to be the ONLY ones noticing the jailbreak and the gunfire isn’t even close to either of them.  I guess we could consider Destro probably wouldn’t be that concerned if CC got blasted…   But the best "in-universe" answer is that it was probably gunfire from a B.A.T.  Those androids shoot at everything...

    Lastly… what in the world is Wild Bill doing???  Look at his position... He is sitting on TOP of the jail cell.  He’s hunched down, sitting on his legs and right in front of the view-port.  He has a very limited amount of cover.  How does this come about?

    Hawk - “Cobra is attacking!!!  They are probably trying to rescue Cobra Commander.  We need to guard him closely!"

    Wild Bill - "Yes sir!  I'll sit directly on top of the jail cell.  Cobra won’t get to him."

    Even if Cobra Commander was NOT armed, this is not a good idea…  It doesn’t even look comfortable…?  And Wild Bill’s back is right next to that drum!  Who knows what’s in there???  It could be filled with chocolate syrup for all we know, but those Cobra Troopers would probably be aiming for it, hoping to cause some serious damage.

    So it’s a crazy little piece in the grand scheme of the Headquarters artwork.  At the end of the day - I get it!  I get what they were going for with Cobra Commander.  He is most likely armed to make him appear dangerous and a threat to the Joes.  It makes sense.  As for Wild Bill…?  Well, I’m still a little hazy on what was going on there.

    The artwork is fantastic and finding this box in the attic was a nice blast from the past.  I wish I had found more…  In my search, the only other thing I stumbled upon 
was a cardback from the Kenner Alien Vs. Predator 2-pack that was inside the HQ box .  I am bewildered as to what happened to the other Joe boxes…  If they are still up there, however, I’m sure they are in a similar, dehydrated state.  I guess they could still pop up.


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