One & Done - VOLTAR
The year 1988 saw a unique shift in the battle of G.I. Joe vs. Cobra with the introduction of a third faction - the Iron Grenadiers. Destro had split off from Cobra Command and created his own army from his private bodyguards. The first wave of the Iron Grenadier army included a new Destro, the standard Iron Grenadier soldiers, Nullifiers (A.G.P. pilots), Ferrets (D.E.M.O.N. tank drivers)... and Voltar!
As Destro’s General, Voltar held an important position as he would be leading troops against both G.I. Joe AND Cobra! Destro, himself, often served as a field commander for Cobra, now Voltar held a similar spot in the Iron Grenadiers. He had some big shoes to fill, as both the Joes and Cobra had multiple seasoned leaders among their ranks. Destro’s team was significantly smaller than their more established enemies, so all members needed to be at the top of their game to compete.
I’ve always had a theory that Destro wasn’t letting just anyone into the Iron Grenadiers. He was looking for the best and that’s what would be needed to wedge his new army into this long-running war. Voltar’s file card certainly backs up that he is the man for the job. It goes a long way to discuss his skill and success as a mercenary commander.
The figure for Voltar stands out from those under his command. While much of the Iron Grenadier army sports the team’s colors of gold, black and red… Voltar’s color scheme is gold, black and magenta. So you have two of the Iron Grenadier colors and one that is close.
Voltar is "The Man With the Golden Gun"... and backpack... His accessories include a gold rifle, gold backpack and his “animal companion - a condor. The rifle is interesting as it appears to have an old school wooden handle and a sci-fi type fin at the back of it. The backpack is cool as it looks like it could be used as a communications pack. It also has a handle for the condor to land on.
I’m not sure as to the purpose of the condor?? As kids, we all thought it was a vulture. It had the red head and we thought vulture/Voltar… they sound similar…? The file card makes no mention of the bird and it made no appearances in any cartoons or comics. So the question of why he has it is anyone’s guess… I think it is an interesting idea and I think we all liked getting an animal companion with our figures… I just wish we got some background information on why he has it.
The figure was released in 2 different carded versions. One was a standard carded release like all the other figures in the assortment. The other was a 2-pack Target exclusive called “Ultimate Enemies” where he was packaged with the Joe - Muskrat. No real story was created anywhere that establishes any kind of feud between these two characters. Also, both figures are exactly the same as their standard releases.
I would give Voltar a rating of 4 out of 5 condors! I really like this figure and I liked it back in 1988 as well! The magenta uniform is loud, the rifle is a bit different and the condor is a mystery... but somehow it still works for me! He has a cool look that connects but also separates from those under his command. Also, I really liked the backpack post for the bird to perch on. I have never liked clipping the birds in G.I. Joe to the figures' wrists... No one is charging into battle like that... So the post is a welcome addition.
There are a few little things Hasbro could have done to improve the figure. maybe they could have used another color instead of magenta (Iron Grenadier red???). Again some information on the condor and its role would have been appreciated. At least give the thing a name... Raptor's falcon got one! But those are minor requests, the figure we got was nicely done!
The Iron Grenadiers were a great addition to the G.I. Joe universe and even though I was slowing down with my collecting in 1988, I did make sure to get all the Iron Grenadiers figures and vehicles that year! In my imagination, Voltar was a great tactician and leader, almost impossible to out-strategize, which was exactly what Destro needed to go up against two larger forces.
Sadly, Voltar did not get much love in the comics. He had a few moments to shine, but he was eventually killed when Cobra Commander returned from the dead and took revenge on many of his enemies, of which Voltar was among. I did get a chuckle when in one issue, when Cobra and the Iron Grenadiers were working together, he said to send in the Cobra troops first as there was no sense in wasting good Iron Grenadier soldiers! Ha ha!!!
So Voltar only got the one figure... and this makes sense. Though he had an important role working for Destro, the Iron Grenadiers only lasted three years and then he died in the comics. Had he survived, I could see Cobra Commander considering him a threat and not wanting him around.
Did anyone else think Voltar was a cool character? Any theories on the condor? What were thoughts on the Iron Grenadier army?
Did anyone else think Voltar was a cool character? Any theories on the condor? What were thoughts on the Iron Grenadier army?
Behind-the-scenes and useless trivia:
--- My main pic of Voltar is taken in a diorama of Jabba's Palace (empty at the time). It is the stairs where you go up into the little room where Han in Carbonite is kept and the band plays! I thought it gave off that Castle Destro vibe!!!
--- Check out that second picture... I still have the original cardback to Voltar! It’s in pretty good shape! But the price tag is what gets me…. $2.97?!?! Wow, basically $3 for a cool, quality action figure! And Hills Dept Store... that is where my friends and I typically picked up our figures back in the day!
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