In 1993, Hasbro added a mail-in booklet called "Menace In The Wilderness" with some of their figures.  It was smaller than the standard ones that often came packed in with the vehicles, but none-the-less it contained some interesting items!  Some that are highly sought out today!

    The story for this booklet was short and simple.  It says Cobra has a base (or "hide-out") hidden somewhere in the Montana wilderness.  From this location, they are interfering with telecommunications by sending out "evil messages" all across the world.  Exactly "what" these messages are or what they say, is not mentioned...

    The G.I. Joe International Team has been sent to counter the threat.  This team consists of the Joes - Spirit, Big Ben, Budo and Big Bear.  Their mission is to infiltrate the Cobra base and shut it down.  But Cobra becomes aware of their presence and launches the Cobra Wolf snow vehicle and the Ninja-Viper to intercept.

    The Joes, however, were prepared and already have reinforcements ready for action.  On a nearby mountain lake comes the G.I. Joe hovercraft (WHALE) led by Deep Six.  Also... G.I. Joe Commander, Hawklaunches an aerial attack with his Sonic Jet Pack.

    The story ends there.  After that it is up to you and your imagination to decide how the battle turns out.

    This was a cool, little mail-in booklet that contained several unique items.  Unfortunately, in 1993, Hasbro had flooded the store shelves with new figures.  Now we had multiple mail-ins as well.  All seven figures offered - Hawk, Deep Six, Ninja-Viper and the four International Action Team figures were new repaints that would not be available for long.  Eventually, all of them would go on to command higher prices on the after-market.

    In the booklet, there are some interesting tid-bits.  In the picture of the WHALE, you have several Joes aboard - including Grunt (v1).  I believe for many of these pictures, Hasbro is simply utilizing the figures they have on hand.  But it is still strange to see a 1982/83 figure in a 1993 promo picture..?

    Also, a funny error can be found in the picture of the Wolf...  If you look in the gunner's seat of the Cobra vehicle, you will notice the Joe - Major Altitude.  What is he doing in there???  There is a second figure, in the driver's seat, but I can't tell who it is.  My guess would be Sea-Slug - the Sea Ray pilot.

    The "Menace" booklet was small, but in the grand scheme of the vintage 82-94 line, it packed a big punch!  It contained several figures that would eventually be quite rare.  Back then, the only figure I purchased out of all the repaints was the Ninja-Viper.  The others did not interest me at all!  Yet, many years later, I find myself quite intrigued by them!  

    Let me hear from you...  Did anyone else pass on them like I did?  Or did you actually order some?  OR... Has anyone even SEEN them???  As a collector, I have not ever seen them beyond pictures...


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